August 29, 2008

Comming to Grips With Who I Am as a Golfer

It's taken me quite a while to figure this one out but I finally think I'm getting this. Have you ever tried to take less club and muscle a shot because your thinking you should be able to hit that 7-iron 155 yards. Have you ever tried to bomb a 270 yard drive because you thought you could, only to fly it 225 instead? Have you ever been 130 out behind a tree and decided to hit a low cut around and under the tree even though you have never attempted this shot before? Guess what that outcome was!

All the above scenarios I have experienced on more than one occasion. I have since come to realize that this is my EGO talking and telling me I can do these things when in fact the odds are I won't be able to pull it off. And until I can keep my EGO in check I won't be able to consistently play well.

I'm starting to accept the fact that I'm not a big hitter. I've wasted half the season trying to be one. Tinkering and tinkering and tinkering with my swing. And, as a result, moving in the opposite direction.

I vow from here on out to play within myself!
  • I will hit the club that gets me to the the green regardless of the number on the sole
  • I'll hit 3-wood and play from the short grass more often
  • I'll never attempt a shot I have not practiced (during a scoring round)
  • I'll never blindly hit 3-wood approach shots on Par 5's I can't reach in 2

Some of my best rounds have come when I played smart and within myself. Why oh why do I seem to forget that so easily?

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